Parkrun Championships Rules

A quick rattle through the parkrun Championship ‘rules’ as a reminder

  • The Championship will start on Saturday 4th January and finish on the Saturday before the Presentation Night (date TBC).
  • There will be separate male and female Championship tables.
  • Dashers will be automatically entered after completing 1 parkrun. However, to qualify for any prizes or awards, a minimum of 8 parkruns must be completed throughout the duration of the season.
  • As an addition this year, and in a homage to the late lamented parkrun Grand Prix, Dashers need to complete parkruns at at least 4 different venues through the season.
  • The league positions will be determined by the average of the best 8 scores based on % performance as published by parkrun each week, thereby taking account of age categories etc.
  • Only official parkruns will qualify.
  • And, importantly, only fully paid-up Dashers will be eligible for the Championship (periodically, I will be sent a list of paid-up members by the Committee so if you haven’t coughed up what can only be described as your tremendous value-for-money Dashers membership fee, please don’t be surprised if you name mysteriously disappears from the league table!) If you join mid-year, results from that time will be included

As a reminder, if you can please include Darwen Dashers on your parkrun profile, it makes life much easier when compiling results and I would hate to miss out on your marvellous achievements.

Thanks - Ian