
Our aim is to provide all our members and associated members within our community with the best possible experience and opportunities in sport within a safe and supportive environment.

Our safeguarding policies are in place to prevent harm occurring from neglect, exploitation or abuse and acceptance of our Code of Conduct is a requirement of club membership.

All our Run Leaders are licenced by England Athletics and safeguarding is a vital component of run leader training. In addition, a criminal records (DBS) check is carried out before a leader licence is granted. Both the DBS check and safeguarding training is repeated every 3 years.

Many types of behaviour could give rise to a safeguarding concern including physical, sexual, psychological abuse, discrimination, and neglect. Exploitation and abuse of power are common themes.

The Ann Craft Trust can provide advice and information to people at risk, and those who want to know how best to support them. 

In the event of a runner having a safeguarding or disciplinary issues with any Darwen Dashers Running club official or fellow runner, please contact the club Welfare Officer who will take the necessary action.

Our Welfare Officer has completed UKA-approved training in safeguarding and will help ensure that best practice in reporting is followed.


If you need help

To raise a safeguarding concern about yourself, please contact our Club Welfare Officer via this link or use the contact box below. If you would like help in doing this, please just ask any Run Leader or club committee member for support.

Alternatively, you can report a safeguarding concern about yourself directly to the UKA Safeguarding Team by submitting the Online Safeguarding Concern Form available on the UKA website, or by emailing the team on safeguarding@uka.org.uk.


If you are in immediate danger, contact the emergency services (call 999).

You can also contact the Police, Social Services, your doctor or other organisations to request help and support.

If you are concerned about someone else:

If you are concerned that another person is at risk it is important to report it.

You don’t have to be certain that harm or abuse is taking place (or has taken place in the past) – but we all have a responsibility to respond to and report any concerns we have.

The UKA Adult Safeguarding Procedures describes best practice for responding to concerns, recording and reporting them.

The reporting process

A flow-chart diagram published by UKA summarises the reporting process. It is available as a PDF download from: the EA Reporting Safeguarding Concerns webpage.

All safeguarding concerns will be responded to, and followed up in accordance with Safeguarding policies and statutory guidelines.

Reporting concerns to your Local Authority

You may prefer to report safeguarding issues to your local Social Services safeguarding team – or contact them to discuss a concern and obtain advice.

The Safeguarding Adults Boards applicable to the Darwen area is:

Welfare and EA contact details

Mark Taylor : darwendasherswelfare@gmail.com

UK Athetics - safeguarding@uka.org

Telephone: 0778 559 2860 | 0782 715 7528 | 0779 545 0612

Useful sites for help

To be added

To report a welfare concern please use the form below: