Allan Harle - June 2024

Published on 1 June 2024 at 12:39

This month’s profile is from our dependable Treasurer & unsung hero of the club, Allan Harle

June 2024 Allan Harle

1. Do you have a nickname?

No, my brothers have all of the good ones.

2. What is your favourite piece of running kit/equipment?

1,000 mile running socks (a game changer for me).

3. What is your favourite race and why?

The Tolkien Trail is great, but the Manchester to Liverpool Ultra just edges it for me. The camaraderie of the runners involved & the support crews at the checkpoints is superb.

4. Any pbs that you are most proud of? (race or distance)

My 1st Half Marathon, 1st Marathon & 1st Ultra. All because when I started running, I never dreamt I would do any of them.

5. What has been your worst running injury?

I've been very lucky & not had anything serious.

6. Improving Dasher to keep an eye on?

I'm not sure. Every runner is a winner to me.

7. Where is the most exotic place that you have ever been for a run?

I once took Brian Morris to Toronto (you may have heard the story!) where I ran my first real race (a half marathon).

8. Highlight of your running career so far

It has to be running my 1st Ultra last year (Manchester2Liverpool). 50 miles is achievable if you set your mind to it. I completed it in 11 hours and 8 minutes.

9. Any hobbies we don’t know about?

I'm a massive aviation geek. I look to the sky when I should be looking at the road (according to my wife).

10. Interesting fact about yourself

I once had to 'babysit' Eddy the Eagle Edwards for a day through work (a top bloke).

11. Most interesting job (past or present)

I used to be a driving instructor, which taught me to never assume anything!

12. Dasher you admire and why

Jim Taylor, our very own EverReady Bunny!

13. Any future running ambition?

More Ultras & maybe a 24 hour event.

14. Favourite song on your playlist to run to?

I don't listen to music when I run.

15. Which person, past or present, would you most like to run with?

I always enjoy a run with Brian Morris when I can keep up!

16. Best thing about the Darwen Dashers

A really friendly club, with great members.

17. Any running (or other) superstitions?

Not really.

18. Your perfect, indulgent, post run meal

Does a pint count?

19. One piece of advice for a new runner

Believe in yourself: you can do much, much more than you think you can.

20. Sum yourself up in 5 words

I love to push myself.