Paul Taylor - January 2024

Published on 1 January 2024 at 16:43

Happy New Year, Dashers. This month’s profile is our intrepid mountaineer & all-round athlete, Paul Taylor. What a great read. He’s so humble that he hasn’t even mentioned that he has summitted Mount Everest in his Dasher Profile!  I’d have it printed on all my T-shirts!

1. Do you have a nickname?

No, I have no nicknames. I am sure some friends and family have names for me, and I am fine with that.

2. What is your favourite piece of running kit/equipment?

My Salomon Bonatti waterproof trousers: absolutely great piece of kit. Especially running in the mountains in freezing conditions in the rain, keeps your legs really warm.

3. What is your favourite race and why?

I love the local fell races: you know nearly everyone from the organizers to the marshals and all the runners.

4. Any pbs that you are most proud of? (race or distance)

3:11:52 in the 2015 London Marathon

10h25 minutes for a full distance triathlon

4th in my category in the Ultra Tour de Monte Rosa 2023.

5. What has been your worst running injury?

I haven’t really had any running injuries, but I did break my collar bone in 2016.

6. Improving Dasher to keep an eye on?

I have not singled out any particular improving Dasher, but with quality running and a good training programme, every member of the Dashers will improve.

7. Where is the most exotic place that you have ever been for a run?

I have been fortunate enough to travel and run all over the world, but a really memorable day out was to run the 0-4-0 in Tenerife, which is a run from sea level to the summit of Teide, involving 4000 meters of elevation.

8. Highlight of your running career so far

In 2023, I won my category in the Pen-y-Ghent fell race. I was quite chuffed with that result seeing as it was right in the centre of fell running country. I find that I enjoy competitive racing and if you get a good result out of that then that’s fine, but most of the time if I don’t win anything I enjoy a good hard race with fellow runners within the event.

9. Any hobbies we don’t know about?

Actually I run and cycle to keep me fit as my main hobby and interest is mountaineering, in particular high altitude mountaineering.

10. Interesting fact about yourself

When I was 19, I had an accident which meant I lost the sight in my right eye, but I have managed to do many amazing things without it.

11. Most interesting job (past or present)

My first job after leaving school was in the posh clothing retailer ‘Wardrobe’, which was on Sudell Cross, Blackburn. I am currently an aspirant International Mountain Leader and hopefully will be fully qualified by the end of this year (2024). So if you ever fancy doing something challenging in the mountains, don’t be shy and ask me.

12. Dasher you admire and why

I admire any Dasher who gives up their own free time and puts that time into running Darwen Dashers running club.

13. Any future running ambition?

No real specific future running ambition, just to enjoy running and keep injury free. Recently, running the Ultra Tour du Mont Blanc and the Ultra Tour de Monte Rosa, doing each loop in four days, I have found really enjoyable. So maybe something similar in the near future.

14. Favourite song on your playlist to run to?

I don’t listen to music when I run, I pretty much run off road all the time these days and I find that I enjoy listening to the sounds of nature. I honestly think these days listening to music on road or off road isn’t something I’d promote. As a cyclist for instance, I am constantly coming up behind runners who listen to music and are oblivious to anything else going on around them.

15. Which person, past or present, would you most like to run with?

I think in recent years, ultra runner Kilian Jornet has become the world’s best long distance mountain runner. The distance he can cover and the speed he covers that distance in is incredible. I would like to spend the day running with him and ask him lots of questions.

16. Best thing about the Darwen Dashers

The best thing about the Darwen Dashers is that you can always find someone to run with, even in between club nights. They are a good social bunch and they are always a laugh in the pub as well as out on the hills. I like that everyone always looks out for each other.

17. Any running (or other) superstitions?

I am not superstitious and I am not religious but I do feel that running or climbing in the high mountains, especially the Himalayas, gives a very spiritual feeling.

18. Your perfect, indulgent, post run meal

Beer of course. In winter, Moorhouse’s White Witch. In Summer, when it is warmer, Peroni.

19. One piece of advice for a new runner

My advice for a new runner is to start off slowly, warm up properly, don’t overload too much on fancy gear and advice, just enjoy what you do, stop when it hurts and let the process of running absorb into the body. That will take at least 3 months!

20. Sum yourself up in 5 words

Never turn down an opportunity.