Sarah Darby - September 2024

Published on 1 September 2024 at 11:45

This month’s Dasher of the Month is Sarah Darby. Sarah is a relative newcomer to running but she has made incredible progress since graduating from the Beginners' Group last year and she has now entered the 2025 Manchester Marathon. Awesome! 

1. Do you have a nickname?

Not really. When I was at school I had variations of Cookie, Cooke, Cookester (Cooke was my maiden name).

2. What is your favourite piece of running kit/equipment?

Right now my favourite thing is an app (Runna) that makes a training plan as it tells me when to run and how fast to run - I like structure!

3. What is your favourite race and why?

I don’t think I’ve done enough races to have a favourite but I always choose races based on them not having too many hills!

4. Any pbs that you are most proud of? (race or distance)

I’ve always wanted to run a sub 30 minute 5k which I managed recently (29:44). I’m working on sub 60 10k (currently 61:04). I’m not fast but recently managed a slow, hilly 11 miler which I was pleased with.

5. What has been your worst running injury?

I haven’t had any major running injuries so far, just the usual aches and niggles.

6. Improving Dasher to keep an eye on?

Jill Marr keeps climbing up the parkrun leadership table and running faster and further.

7. Where is the most exotic place that you have ever been for a run?

I’m still fairly new to running so haven’t taken my running abroad. I really enjoy the reservoirs and trails around Edgworth though. There are so many different routes and beautiful views.

8. Highlight of your running career so far

Running a sub 30 5km!

9. Any hobbies we don’t know about?

I have a young family so hobbies are challenging but I really enjoy hiking and walking, particularly in the Lake District. I also really enjoy drinking red wine!

10. Interesting fact about yourself

I love water sports, especially wakeboarding and can manage a few jumps/tricks.

11. Most interesting job (past or present)

I’ve worked at the same place for 13 years - I’m an assistant head teacher at a special needs school and lead on behaviour which can be challenging but everyday is different.

12. Dasher you admire and why

Jim Taylor is an inspiration and has been so supportive on my journey so far.

13. Any future running ambition?

I have a half marathon booked and also my first marathon in April next year which I think I’m looking forward to!

14. Favourite song on your playlist to run to?

Elbow - Grounds for Divorce and Muse - Feeling Good

15. Which person, past or present, would you most like to run with?

I would have loved to run with my mum. She ran lots of half marathons when I was younger but her arthritis is too bad to run now. She always supports me at events if she can though.

16. Best thing about the Darwen Dashers

Darwen Dashers has been great. I joined the beginners group this time last year and everyone has been so supportive at club runs and parkruns and being part of the club has inspired me to run my first marathon.

17. Any running (or other) superstitions?

Nope, I’m not superstitious.

18. Your perfect, indulgent, post run meal

Cheeseburger, chips and a beer!

19. One piece of advice for a new runner

Don’t worry about pace as slow running is still running!

20. Sum yourself up in 5 words

Stubborn, quiet, determined, caring and loyal.