Beccy Jepson - August 2024

Published on 1 August 2024 at 12:00

This month’s Dasher profile is from former Club Secretary & Dashers legend Beccy Jepson

1. Do you have a nickname?

Versions of my full name Rebecca (usually only used by teachers, when I’m in trouble and/or passport control ). Bex, Beccs, Bexster, the occasional Betty (you know who you are!) and Betty 2 bottles !

2. What is your favourite piece of running kit/equipment?

Obviously you have to have good (for you) running shoes (I tend to go for Asics as they fit), but I’d say my favourite piece of kit is a buff. On cold days, it keeps your neck warm (or head) and on hot days, soaked in cold water and having on your wrist as a cool sweat-mopper-upper or snot rag even. It’ also works to keep a head torch on your head on dark running nights.

3. What is your favourite race and why?

For running, it’s got to be Blackburn Winter Warmer, early February. It’s a tough start but Buncer Lane isn’t really that bad, you get the side road off round the residential area and then a short steep climb to the top. After that, it’s ace, fantastic views and downhill for a few miles, finishing off on flat. Blackburn Road Runners do a great job in putting it on, supporting (also with plenty of Darwen Dashers around the route too) and a great goody bag!

From a marshalling point of view, Simon Sparkle’s Dark ‘un (also in Feb). Fab, quirky, dark fell race which everyone loves! Long live the disco!

4. Any pbs that you are most proud of? (race or distance)

Freckleton Half Marathon in 1:49:53 – the only Freckleton half to pour down with rain in 2016

parkrun – 24:10 at Wycombe Rye in 2018 (I think?)

5. What has been your worst running injury?

2 which were equally as bad as each other: A pelvic stress factor early on in my ‘running career’ from overtraining for Chester marathon and not doing any stretching after running. I also suffered a fractured ankle whilst running cross country but hadn’t realised and carried on walking and running. I hobbled (and ran) for 3 weeks before visiting hospital.

6. Improving Dasher to keep an eye on?

It’s hard to pick one person. We all have periods when we are injured or life/commitments mean we cannot run for a period of time! So, anybody that comes back after one of those periods and improves from the base at that time, is worthy of applause!

7. Where is the most exotic place that you have ever been for a run?

I always take my running gear on holiday or when travelling with work and so I’ve been lucky enough to run in many countries. Furthest west exotic destinations were Aruba or St Lucia. Further east, take your pick from Vietnam, Thailand, India and China

8. Highlight of your running career so far

Being 2nd lady in Lytham Beer run! I decided on the night to just ‘leg it’ and in spite of not liking beer, I came second! But seriously and thanks to Barry Shackleton for his parkrun inspiration, it was becoming the 34th person in the world to achieve the parkrun ‘Bailey’. Running at 100 different parkrun events, without ever repeating any. I loved the planning, doing so many different and varied parkruns and even planned business trips and holidays around getting a different parkrun in on most Saturday mornings!

9. Any hobbies we don’t know about?

Visiting new countries, I’ve ticked off 56 so far. I love getting the vibe of a new place, even if it’s for a very short time, you can get a feeling from the people you meet, the food, as well as the surroundings (I guess it’s called culture?).

10. Interesting fact about yourself

I’m a rusty linguist. I speak pretty good French, some Italian (both to degree level many years ago) a smattering of Spanish and German (to A-level). Not bad at northern English either!

11. Most interesting job (past or present)

Product Manager for a new product. I developed an innovative sales presentation tool and became a technical expert in my field (I’m so not technical though!). This meant I travelled to lots of different countries to meet potential customers, meet people, eat lovely food (paid for by the company), happy days (and evenings)! You getting the picture about loving to travel?

12. Dasher you admire and why

Very hard question! So many! Simon Smith and Linda Coffey having both been chosen to run for England Masters at 10k.

13. Any future running ambition?

Arthritic hips are probably limiting any long distance running ambitions, so I’m keeping them more ‘modest’! I've just finished my 2nd Parkrun Alphabet Challenge so now it's onto my 3rd. And mostly, hopefully, be able to keep running for as long as I can on the moors, parkruns, roads, just to enjoy running itself with no time or race pressures.

14. Favourite song on your playlist to run to?

ELO Mr Blue Sky – it’s so uplifting with a great beat to run to.

15. Which person, past or present, would you most like to run with?

My Dad! In his 40’s he used to run for 2-3 miles many mornings before work and went from home in Darwen up to the top of ‘black pad’. In it’s time, it was a wide path of black shale and a tough, steep ascent (with a very fast descent!). It’s now hugely overgrown and known in Dashers as Jacob’s Ladder. He loved the outdoors and was a fascinating person with all the hobbies he immersed himself in. I’d love to have conversations about why he loved what he did.

16. Best thing about the Darwen Dashers

The very best thing about Dashers is the opportunity to form new friendships and make life-long friends.

17. Any running (or other) superstitions?


18. Your perfect, indulgent, post run meal

Baked beans with chilli flakes , melted Emmental on top  with toast to scoop it up

19. One piece of advice for a new runner

Enjoy your running, don’t put pressure on yourself and make sure you stretch afterwards. Sorry, that’s 3!

20. Sum yourself up in 5 words

Independent, overthinker, planner, sociable, globe-trotter